Recently Awarded

Boiler Plant

Boiler Plant Replacement at the Fargo VA Medical Center

  Located: Fargo, ND VA Hospital | Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs | Contract Awarded: August 2019 | Project Duration: 2 Years | Project Value: $11,265,000

The Boiler Plant Replacement is the largest project MDM has done the Fargo VA to date. MDM will be providing all temporary facilities to maintain boiler operations to all VA Campus buildings and facilities. Two boiler trailers and a control trailer will be supplied to accomplish this before shutting down the Boiler Plant for a full-scale replacement and upgrade. Four new boilers will be installed to improve and upgrade the VA’s operations and capabilities.

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MDM Construction has been a very good contractor to work with and they have the interests of the Government, patients, visitors and others in mind as they perform their work and help the VA reach its end goal.  MDM Construction has made every effort to be cooperative with the VA and meet the VA's needs or requests.

There is excellent communication between MDM Construction and the VA Engineering Service staff.

MDM has been responsive to dealing with safety concerns and contract requirements.  Superintendent is very accommodating with schedule and goes out of his way to comply with safety team's reecommendations.

Department of Veterans Affairs

About Us

 MDM Construction is a prime contractor and a 100% Service Disabled Veteran Owned and operated Small Business in the state of North Dakota. Verification can be viewed at both the System for Award Management (SAM) website as well as the Department Veterans Affairs certification website. MDM Construction LLC is a small emerging business and meets the small business size standard of $39.5 million.